Register for BEYMUN 2025

Dais Members


Fill the following form.
Applications will then be reviewed by the competent team, and we will in turn get back to you.


The final conference is on the 17th and 18th of May 2025 at the campus of the American University of Beirut (location here)
Dais members are expected to be physically present on campus on these dates.
Chairing a committee requires also writing a Background Guide, correcting Position Papers... But these duties will be introduced to accepted dais applicants in a proper introductory meeting, which date will be communicated later on.


Only university students or senior high school students are eligible to take part as DAIS in this year's BEYMUN conference.
However, high school students (grade 9 to 12) as well as university students can take part as delegates (see below).
Prior MUN experience is required, while prior MUN chairing experience is a plus.



Training Sessions

Training sessions will be conducted both on campus and online on the following dates:

  • Saturday, April 19th 2025 from 10AM till 2PM (On campus)
  • Friday, April 25th 2025 from 4PM till 8PM (On campus)
  • Online Session (Date TBA, stay tuned!)
PS: The online session will NOT be recorded
Final Conference

The final conference is on the 17th and 18th of May 2025 at the campus of the American University of Beirut (location here)

International Delegates

For this year's edition, we have chosen the mymun platform for international delegates and delegations. The BEYMUN 2025 page is accessible at
The fees for international delegates amount to USD 60 to be paid through the mymun platform.

National Delegates

Delegates may register for the conference by filling the form at Registration closes on the 7th of April 2025.
Note: Payment of the registration fee should be made in anticipation of filling the registration form, as the Whish receipt is to be attached.


Fees for national delegates: USD 30 (USD 20 for AUB Students)
Payment can be made through the Whish app by searching for "Beymun AUB", or by looking for "Beymun AUB" in the "Sports & Events" section. Make sure you are in the USD section of Whish.
Regarding delegates who do not have a Whish account, you can always pay at any Whish store in Lebanon, by simply indicating BEYMUN AUB.
As always, for any inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].


In addition to each delegate filling the form mentionned above, delegates can choose to represent their school by letting an advisor fill the form at
Advisors will have to also upload a spreadsheet containing the first, middle, and last names of the delegation's members, each in a separate column.
There is NO restriction on the number of delegates per delegation, however the maximum number of Advisors per delegation is two, with a main one and a secondary one.

Best of luck!